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La malinconia del presente

The melancholy of the present is manifested through a dozen works on canvas by the Albanian artist, which open like windows onto the outskirts of Scutari.

What emerges from this glimpse of humanity are abandoned buildings, confused shadows that inhabit them, but above all the great transience of political and social power, as well as everything, by reflection, that is expressed through it.

Sidi Kanani


Born in 1979 in the city of Scutari where he lives and works, he graduated in 2001 from the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts in Tirana.

Sidi Kanani has participated in numerous local exhibitions in Scutari, but also in Tirana where in 2011 he was awarded 1st prize at the eighteenth edition of the Onufri Prize, the most important art prize awarded in Albania.

He was considered by the jury to be the painter of modern life. At the center of his works of art, in fact, all aspects of everyday life emerge, understood as a tension between the past and the present.

Using reduced colors and images of desolation, he creates an eerie atmosphere, in which we can perceive a feeling of nostalgia for post-industrial ruins, making clear the false promises of modern times.

The presence of Sidi Kanani at L'ERA gallery reminds us all of the red thread of culture and history that connects Venice and the state of Albania.

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